Ernesto Colnago 50th Anniversary Interview
Posted by admin in HODINOVKA, Z TISKU on 31. Led, 2009 | Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Ernesto Colnago 50th Anniversary Interview
Part four, January 31, 2009 “Sono stati 50 anni di intensa attivita e di successi… Non si e mai finito di imparare e creare per dar corpo ai sogni.” (“It’s been 50 years of intense work and success… but the learning and creativity to bring dreams to life is never finished.”) Ernesto Colnago Cyclingnews: So […]

Moser radí Armstrongovi
Posted by admin in AKTUALITY on 25. Led, 2009 | 0 Comments
Francesco Moser radí sedminásobnému vítězi Tour de France Lanci Armstrongovi, aby prolomil současný rekord v hodinovce a přidává se ke spekulacím, že by úspěšný pokus americké hvězdy mohl být součástí jejího návratu k cyklistice. “Já být Armstrongem a chtít se vrátit zpátky na scénu, překonám rekord v hodinovce” řekl Moser pro La Gazzetta dello Sport. “Neříkám, že se nemůže vrátit […]

Ernesto Colnago 50th Anniversary Interview
Posted by admin in Z TISKU on 23. Led, 2009 | Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Ernesto Colnago 50th Anniversary Interview
Part three, January 16, 2009 “Sono stati 50 anni di intensa attivita e di successi… Non si e mai finito di imparare e creare per dar corpo ai sogni.” (“It’s been 50 years of intense work and success… but the learning and creativity to bring dreams to life is never finished.”) Ernesto Colnago CN: How […]

Hour records since 1984
Posted by admin in HODINOVKA on 18. Led, 2009 | Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Hour records since 1984
Hour records since 1984 with split times Hour records since 1984 in detail With the information of the 5 km split-times one can easily calculate the speed of the rider during the last 5 km and the average speed at that moment. I created some plots showing these two values. Francesco Moser: The first man […]

Ernesto Colnago 50th Anniversary Interview
Posted by admin in Z TISKU on 16. Led, 2009 | Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Ernesto Colnago 50th Anniversary Interview
Part two, January 16, 2009 “Sono stati 50 anni di intensa attivita e di successi… Non si e mai finito di imparare e creare per dar corpo ai sogni.” (“It’s been 50 years of intense work and success… but the learning and creativity to bring dreams to life is never finished.”) Ernesto Colnago Cyclingnews: Ernesto, […]

Ernesto Colnago 50th Anniversary Interview
Posted by admin in Z TISKU on 09. Led, 2009 | Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Ernesto Colnago 50th Anniversary Interview
Part one, January 9, 2009 “Sono stati 50 anni di intensa attivita e di successi… Non si e mai finito di imparare e creare per dar corpo ai sogni.” (“It’s been 50 years of intense work and success… but the learning and creativity to bring dreams to life is never finished.”) Ernesto Colnago Generally considered […]

UCI Hour Record,
Ondrej Sosenka
Posted by admin in HODINOVKA, Z TISKU on 01. Led, 2009 | Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem UCI Hour Record,
Ondrej Sosenka
Moscow, 19.7.2005, 49.700 km He was faster than Boardman from the very start of his effort, recording a time of 1’15.01 (versus 1’17.891) for the opening kilometre. He went through the 5 kilometre point over three seconds up, and by the 25 kilometre point he had extended his advantage to just under 7 seconds. This […]